Tuesday, July 17, 2012

MRI day!

We're home. It's been a long day. Poor Bekah inherited my poor veins. They stuck her a few times in the arm and in the hands. They called an IV team to try next and they failed. We ended up having to give her general anesthesia to knock her out to just get the IV into her foot. That is something that I never want to have to watch again. Watching them hold her down and force a mask on her and then seeing her body go limp in under 20 seconds, tongue hanging out, eyes rolled back... I'm going to have nightmares for weeks after that. Once that was done we carried her to the MRI room where she woke from the anesthesia, and they sedated her again using the IV catheter. They finally rolled her into the machine and started the scans. They made it through her brain scan and then repositioned her for the lumbar spine scan. they made it through about 10 minutes of that before she woke up *IN* the MRI machine and started ripping off the head gear, oxygen mask and scooting her way OUT of the MRI tunnel, screaming her poor little head off. I heard her screams when she woke up through my ear plugs and over the MRI noise (if you've ever had one, you know they are LOUD). They held her down again and sedated her once more through her IV. Once the scan was done, they took her to recovery on a stretcher trying to not wake her. Because of the dosages they gave her, if she would have woke - they told me that she would have had emergence delirium if she would awake before the sedation medication wore off by itself. They hooked her to a saline bag and turned the lights out and we waited for her to wake up. Once she woke - that was a whole other world. Her first words to me were "I'm swimming". She couldn't sit up straight, she slurred her words and pretty much acted like a drunk toddler. We have to monitor her for at least 24 hours, waking her up during sleep cycles and naps. But the drunkenness should wear off by tomorrow. We'll know more about the scans Thursday and if they found anything in them.

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